
Venous Ultrasound
This technology utilizes sound waves to examine and map the circulatory system. According to the Radiological Society of North America, Inc., vascular ultrasound creates pictures of the internal parts of veins and arteries and measures blood flow. Other names for...
Sclerotherapy (Liquid & Foam Sclero)
Sclerotherapy is a procedure used to treat blood vessel malformations (vascular malformations) and also malformations of the lymphatic system. A medicine is injected into the vessels, which makes them shrink. It is used for children and young adults with vascular...
Venaseal Ablation
Venaseal is an amazing technology that harnesses medical-grade adhesive to close off an integral venous lesion that is causing surrounding ones to become varicose. This treatment works to seal up the main saphenous vein– found in the thigh– causing it...
An ambulatory microphlebectomy is an outpatient procedure performed to remove spider and varicose veins through small, slit-like incisions in the skin. When varicose veins near the surface of the skin are too large to treat with sclerotherapy and too small...